interpersonal perception

A large-scale, gamified online assessment of first impressions: The Who Knows project

Interpersonal judgments play a central role in human social interactions, influencing decisions ranging from friendships to presidential elections. Despite extensive research on the accuracy of these judgments, an overreliance on broad personality …

Individual differences in dissimilation: Do some people make more distinctions among targets’ personalities than others?

People differ in how positively they tend to see others’ traits, but people might also differ in how strongly they apply their perceptual styles (Kenny et al., 2023). In two studies (Ns = 355, 303), the current research explores individual …

Self-knowledge of perceiver effects: Do people know how positively they tend to view targets relative to other people?

There are stable individual differences in how positive people’s impressions of others tend to be and these perceptual tendencies in turn shape behaviour. Using data from an experimental online photo-rating study (N = 303) and from an in-lab …

Do agency and communion explain the relationship between perceiver and target effects in interpersonal perception? A meta-analysis on generalized reciprocity

This meta-analysis examines generalized reciprocity, that is, the relationship between how people perceive others and how they are perceived by others. It tests the hypothesis that generalized reciprocity varies as a function of the content domain …

Applying multi-modal Social Relations Analyses in personality pathology research

In this article, we introduce multimodal social relations analysis as a powerful tool for studying personality pathology that tackles several important limitations of existing research. By implementing a design in which groups of participants provide …

Positivity in peer perceptions over time: Personality explains variation at zero-acquaintance, popularity explains differential change

People have characteristic ways of perceiving others’ personalities. When judging others on several traits, some perceivers tend to form globally positive and others tend to form globally negative impressions. These differences, often termed …

Perceiver effects in first impressions reflect generalized stereotypes: Evidence of consistency across time, groups, and contexts

In interpersonal perception, perceivers’ tendencies for judging the average target (perceiver effects) are commonly assumed to reflect generalized stereotypes about “the other.” This is empirically supported by findings of consistent rank-orders of …

What is the structure of perceiver effects? On the importance of global positivity and trait-specificity across personality domains and judgment contexts

When judging others’ personalities, perceivers differ in their general judgment tendencies. These perceiver effects partly reflect a response bias but are also stable and psychologically important individual differences. However, current insights …

Seeing the best or worst in others: A measure of generalized other-perceptions

How positively or negatively people generally view others is key for understanding personality, social behavior, and psychopathology. Previous research has measured generalized other-perceptions by relying on either explicit self-reports or judgments …