I am a postdoctoral researcher in the field of personality and social psychology with a strong interest in psychological assessment and quantitative methodology.
My research explores how people assess the personality traits of their fellow human beings and how this impacts social dynamics. For instance, I study why some people are better than others at making accurate inferences about strangers and what social consequences it has for someone to tend towards positively or negatively biased views of others.
In one of my current research projects, my team and I have developed a free quiz app for assessing one’s own interpersonal intuition. For more information, please visit the Who Knows project. In another current project of mine, we are measuring whose first impressions are positively or negatively biased and try to understand this tendency by embedding it in their personality. For more information, please visit the Glimpse project.
I am dedicated to the Open Science movement, regularly sharing research data, materials, and analysis scripts for my studies, which I also preregister whenever possible. See my CV for details on my biography.
PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Psychology, 2019
University of Münster
M.Sc. in Psychology, 2016
University of Leipzig
B.Sc. in Psychology, 2012
University of Freiburg
Here’s a selection of my media appearances:
See my CV for a publication list including working papers, talks, etc.
Once I began my Ph.D., I regularly conducted seminars and workshops on implementing statistical procedures using SPSS and R at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Furthermore, I held lectures on Psychological Diagnostics at the Master’s level and led seminars on targeted diagnostic interviewing, personality and performance measurement, and personality and interpersonal perception at zero-acquaintance at the University of Münster. At HMU, my teaching focus also lies in the field of Social Psychology and Psychological Assessment.
In the winter term (WS 2025) I teach the following courses:
See my CV for a detailed overview of courses I have taught.